Parinirvana Festival
Sunday 23rd February
11am – 4pm
There are key moments in the Buddha’s life which are celebrated and marked throughout the Buddhist world, such as the birth of the Buddha, his Enlightenment, his first teaching and the passing away of his body. The Parinirvana of the Buddha Shakyamuni marks the passing away of his material body and entering into what is called his final enlightenment or Nirvana. As we take the day to celebrate the life of Shakyamuni and reflect on what it means too for us to be alive and then die.
We will come together through ritual, meditation, readings and reflection. Another tradition for us around the Parinirvana festival is the placing of photos and reciting of the names of loved ones who have died in the last year. Please do bring a photograph to place on the shrine and let us know of anyone you wish to remembered on the day.
If you are joining us for breakfast or lunch on the day please bring food for the table to share. Contributions need to be clearly labelled as vegan, vegetarian, gluten free.
This is the outline of the day:
9.30am Prostration Practice – for Order Members and GFR Mitras who are familiar with the practice.
10.30am Doors open for tea and coffee
11am Shrine Room – Puja and remembrances
12.45pm – 1.45pm Lunch
2pm – 4pm Readings and stories from the Parinirvana Sutta with reflections
All welcome
By donation