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Gender, Sexual & Relationship Diversity Group Day Retreat

Sunday 8 December 2024 from 10:00 am to 4:00 pm

Doorways into Dhamma Niyama

Led by Vajralila, Aryajnana, Morgan, Lex and Priyachakshu

Doorways into Dhamma Niyama is a concept that describes the nature of conditioned laws and what can take us beyond that. Anagarika Dharmachari Subhuti (Triratna Order Member) describes the Dhamma Niyama as a mysterious pattern of conditionality that takes us beyond ourselves. He uses the metaphor of a stream, where our efforts and karma put us in the current, and the current itself is the Dhamma Niyama.

We invite you to join us for a day retreat, to leave the city and busy lives behind and to join a spiritual community for the day. In this Buddha Land, we come together to experience community, hear the Dharma – the Buddha’s teachings, and take part in Buddhist rituals (meditation, puja and chanting).

Our use of Gender, Sexual and Relationship Diversity (GSRD) reflects our current understanding of marginalized identities, including people on the gender spectrum who might identify as transgender, bi-gender, crossdressers, genderqueer, gender fluid, and non-binary. Sexual orientation/identities: including lesbian, gay, bi- and pan-sexual and those on the asexual spectrum. We include people on the aromantic (aro) spectrum, people in multi-partnered relationships as well as those in ‘monogamish’ forms of partnership.

The group is led by GSRD, ordained Buddhists, offering a supportive space and an opportunity to connect with other GSRD people in a Buddhist context.

Bring a vegan lunch to share. There will be an opportunity to share lunch at 13.00

Doors open at 9.45am Please arrive early for a prompt start.

Event by Donation.

Suggested donations for the day are £40.00 /£30.00 /£20.00 for the day (waged/low waged/support), but please come along and give what you can afford to give. No prior booking is required.

We’d love to see you here on the 8th of December.

Gender,Sexual &Relationship Day Retreay poster
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