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Dharma Day Festival

Sunday 28 July 2024 from 10:15 am to 4:30 pm

Join us for a special celebration at the Brighton Buddhist Centre to mark another important milestone in the Buddhist calendar. 

Dharma Day is the day when the Buddha gave his first sermon to his followers, teaching them the Four Noble Truths and the Eightfold Path. With talks, meditation and ritual.

Programme : 

9.30am – 10.30am Prostration Practice for all order members and GFR Mitras. Led by Gambiradhi.

10.15am – 11am Doors open for all and shared breakfast is served.

11am – 1pm Welcome to the festival day, meditation and a Dharma talk from Maitridarshin on the ‘Taste of Freedom’.

1pm – 2pm Lunch to share – please bring vegan and vegetarian food to share.

2.15pm – 4.15pm Dharma Day puja with readings and meditation with Gambiradhi.

4.15pm – 4.30pm Clear up and depart.

 All Welcome.

Did you know the Centre runs primarily on donations? Please consider donating what you feel your are able to at this time. All forms of payment will be available to make. Alternatively, you can make your donation here! 

With our sincere thanks!

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