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Buddha Day Festival (Wesak)

Sunday 26 May 2024 from 10:00 am to 4:30 pm

Buddha Day, also known as Wesak, commemorates the Buddha’s Enlightenment  and is the most important festival in our calendar. If the Buddha had not awakened, there would be no path to liberation for us to follow, no way out of samsara. You are warmly invited to join our celebrations. As we gather ‘beneath the eaves of the Bodhi tree to sit with the Buddha on the eve of his Enlightenment.

All welcome.


9am – 10am for Order members and Going for Refuge Mitras only –  the Going for Refuge and Prostration practice.

10am Doors open with a shared breakfast. Please bring food to share.  All welcome.

10:30am – 1pm The main festival day starts. In the morning there will be meditation and chanting of the Shakyamuni mantra, a talk by Ratnaprabha, our last President who will speak on “The Tree of Awakening” and time for discussion in small groups.

1pm Share a meal, a great festive Indian feast. Please bring food to share.

From 2.30 – 4pm the day continues. The afternoon will focus on celebrating the Buddha’s Enlightenment with more chanting, Puja and readings from the canon.

The afternoon will end with tea for those who with to.

Booking at the Buddhist Centre

If you have any questions find out more about bookings and concessions.

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