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Bhante, Sangharakshita Birthday Ritual

Monday 26 August 2024 from 1:00 pm to 8:00 pm

Each year we mark the birthday of the founder of the Triratna Order and Community with a ritual, lighting a candle and marking the occasion along with Triratna Buddhist Centres around the globe.  This year Sangharakshita’s birthday falls on the Bank Holiday Monday and we’d like to mark the date with two separate events. You are very welcome to come along to one or the other or both.

A Birthday Picnic in Stanmer Park 1pm
Family Friendly Event – outdoors, so if rain stops play we will regroup beneath the shelter of the coffee shop trellis in the One Garden.

Everyone is invited to join us at Stanmer Park on the grass behind Stanmer House where there a number of ancient trees offering welcome shade and space between for playing games and so on. Feel free to bring children, relatives and friends.
If you feel moved to bake a birthday cake and bring it along, please do.  Or bring food to share or just something you know you’d like to eat yourself.
(If you don’t want to drive you can pick up a bus to Stanmer Park from the Old Steine or at the bottom of Elm Grove on the Lewes Road.)

Bhante Birthday Puja
6pm – 8pm
Brighton Buddhist Centre

In the early evening of Bhante’s birthday we will gather together at the Centre for meditation, ritual, devotion and puja.
You might want to prepare for puja by thinking about what offerings will I make. Shall I buy some flowers on the way or pick some from my garden? Where can I buy a little candle from to offer? In much the same way as you might when visiting a friends house take along a small gift, even if it’s just a packet of biscuits. What might you be moved to bring?
Look forward to seeing you on the day.

With metta,
Gambhiradhi and Sthanashraddha

There is no need to book, just turn up

All welcome

By Donation

Sangharakshita outside Tibetan temple in Darjeeling, India. 1950
Booking at the Buddhist Centre

If you have any questions find out more about bookings and concessions.

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